Every day, for more than 30 years, we have held competitions and promotions for our customers - the largest Italian companies. To attract consumers and increase sales, an interactive promotion managed by a computerized telephone system or web system, is activated.
How do we do it
The consumer buys the product and calls from any telephone set; type in the purchase code or the receipt number and wait for the answer of the system online. The computer responds immediately to any winnings or not and the customer can dictate their data if they have won to receive the prize.
The consumer buys the product, sends an SMS with the NAME of the Brand and any purchase codes and immediately finds out if he has won or lost via reply SMS containing instructions to receive the prize.
The consumer buys the product and connects to the promotion website to enter the proof of purchase code and his / her personal data. The system automatically randomizes the bet and communicates the win online and uses the registration data to send the prize.
The consumer buys the product with the attached coupon or receives the postcard to be filled in and completed with proofs of purchase and to send with all the useful data for participation. At the end of the competition or periodically, the CCIAA official draws the winning postcard (s), assisted by DMT.
sell and win
Instant Win or winners; DMT produces algorithms and software for the delivery and validation of the winners. Rewards Search for rewards with target analysis. Storage and logistics of the prizes. Awarding of prizes to winners with management of releases for the closure of the competition.
Via del lavoro 37/3 Bologna Casalecchio BO - tel. 800-214411